CRR III, VAG, Solva, GroMiKV
Regulating risk reporting
Why Campatix AM for for CRR III, VAG, Solva & GroMiKV?
Risk reporting regulations such as the Capital Requirements Regulation II (CRR III), German Insurance Supervision Act or Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz (VAG), Solvability Directive or Solvabilitätsverordnung (Solva) and Large Exposures and Million Loans Ordinance or Großkredit- und Millionenkreditverordnung (GroMiKV) require thorough reporting for financial service providers. Each regulation demands a high level of accuracy and traceability of all data and calculations. What is more, the areas of application of these ordinances often overlap, leading to complexities.
Capmatix AM software mitigates reporting ramifications, ensuring of an approachable process with accurate results for risk reporting regulations.
Capmatix AM
• Data management and report generation
• Maximum residual value reductions, minimum capital backing
• Regulatory compliance
• Optimal display